Three Thousand Years in Nine Days – Day Five

For Day Five I made an online reservation at the Vatican Museums, a great way to avoid the long lineups. Better to spend 4 euros than wait hours in line. Day Five was a Wednesday and Pope Francis was giving a Papal Audience in St. Peter’s Square so I was swimming against the tide heading to the Museums instead of the square.

So much to see in the museums. The Catholic Church and Popes have acquired a lot of ancient Roman artifacts over the centuries. I think I enjoyed myself most in the Museo Chiaramonti which was filled with an assortment of ancient Romans, many unknown, whose busts have survived the centuries.
82 Bust Gallery
The woman sported the most diverse and interesting hairstyles.

39 Roman Women Busts 21,22,23 45 Roman Busts 8, 7 Faustina the Younger
42 Roman Women 15,16,17,18 70 Roman Women 6,7,8
The men were varied as well, with dignitas and quirkiness on display.
48 Roman Men 13,14,15 49 Roman Men 16,17 50 Roman Man 66 Roman Man
Scattered through other rooms and courtyards were more stunning remnants of the Roman Empire.

Apollo Belvedere 2nd Century
Apollo Belvedere 2nd Century
Tauroctony 2nd Century
Tauroctony 2nd Century
Sarchophagus of St. Helena mid 4th Century?
Sarchophagus of St. Helena mid 4th Century?

One complaint I have about the Vatican Museums is the lack of signage for many of the artifacts. Possibly they don’t have provenance for all of their pieces but some description would be nice.

No lack of provenance for Rafael’s frescoes in the Stanza della Segnatura of Rafael though. These date from 1508 to 1511.

School of Athens, Rafael
School of Athens, Rafael

I really was impressed by the Sistine Chapel. I saw it 33 years ago and all Michaelangelo’s frescoes had a smoky mutedness. They have been cleaned since and now the colours are vibrant and the paintings have come to life. But since no photo taking is allowed, I have none to offer.

Finally there were Roman mosaics in various rooms and here are some highlights.

Palestrina Mosaic 2nd Century
Palestrina Mosaic 2nd Century
18 2nd Century Palestrina Mosaic
Palestrina Mosaic 2nd Century
Odysseus? 3rd Century Sala Rotonda
Odysseus? 3rd Century Sala Rotonda
1st Century Greek Cross Room
1st Century Greek Cross Room
Sala Aldobrandine Mosaic Detail
Sala Aldobrandine Mosaic Detail

After many hours in the museums I finally ventured outside into St. Peter’s Square.

Swiss Guards
Swiss Guards

Into the Basilica.

Michaelangelo's Pieta
Michaelangelo’s Pieta

Then walked home via Castel Sant Angelo.

St. Peter's from Castel Sant Angelo
St. Peter’s from Castel Sant Angelo
Castel Sant Angelo and one of Bernini's angels
Castel Sant Angelo and one of Bernini’s angels