Bath (Aquae Sulis) – Quick Facts


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  • In the early first century the hot spring was in the Iron Age kingdom of the Dobunni and was sacred to the goddess Sulis.
  • By AD 44 the Romans had created a military zone in the area.
  • A bath/temple complex dedicated to Sulis-Minerva was completed by AD 75.
  • Changes and upgrades to the complex continued during the next 300 years.
  • The Roman town grew up around the baths and was a destination for pilgrims looking for solace in the healing waters of Sulis-Minerva.
  • The town and the baths fell into decline at the end of the Roman era in early 5th century.

What Remains

  • The Roman Baths here are the best preserved ancient baths and temple complex in Northern Europe and are a World Heritage Site. This is the only thermal spring in the UK.
  • The Great Bath – a large pool that continues to be filled with hot spring water from a Roman era drain.
  • Much of the Roman underwater engineering, including drains, sluices, lead pipes, pilae, and flues, still remains.
  • A circular cold bath.
  • Laconium or hot room.
  • Part of the temple courtyard.
  • Pieces of the temple pediment including a Gorgon head.
  • The gold head of Sulis-Minerva.