Leicester (Ratae Corieltauvorum) Jewry Wall – Quick Facts


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Jewry Wall and Water Conduit


  • Romans came to this site in AD 47 and established the civitas of the Corieltauri tribe.
  • Street grids were set up in AD 100.
  • The town bath complex dates from AD 150.
  • A town wall was built around the 48 ha of Ratae Corieltauvorum in the forth century.

What Remains

  • Back wall of the exercise room (palaestra) of the town bath complex. It is one of the tallest Roman walls still standing in Britain at 30 feet.
  • Foundations of hot, tepid and cold rooms and water conduits.

In the museum:

  • Cyparissus mosaic depicting Cupid, Cyparissus, and his pet deer. The myth tells of how Cyparissus accidentally killed his deer and that in sympathy, the gods changed him into a cypress tree, the symbol for mourning.
  • Blue Boar Lane painted wall fragments.
  • Peacock mosaic.
  • Pottery fragment with inscription Verecunda Ludia Lucius Gladiator, considered a love fragment meaning Lucius the gladiator loves Verecunda the actress.
Cyparissus Mosaic