Sheep Among the Ruins

A bonus of my tour of Roman footprints in Britannia has been the expansion of my ovine knowledge. In other words, there are sure a lot of sheep among the ruins. And who knew there were so many different breeds? Here are a few of the woolly Romans I’ve met along the way.

North Country Cheviot Sheep stationed on Brunton’s Turret, Hadrian’s Wall
Two Swaledale Sheep on the North York Moors near Wheeldale Roman Road and Cawthorn Roman Camps
North of England Mule Sheep on Lambley Farm, my Hadrian’s Wall Headquarters
Sheep Sentries on Hadrian’s Wall – Walltown Crags
Herdwicke Sheep near Hardknott Roman Fort
Suffolk Black Face Sheep on the walls of Venta Icenorum, Norfolk
Greeting Committee of Norfolk Horned Black Face at Burgh Castle (Garionnonum), Norfolk