Gone For 1600 Years But Their Footprints Remain

View from Housesteads Roman Fort

1600 years ago, in AD 410, the Roman Empire’s official presence (army, administrators and wealthy elite) left the province of Britannia. The empire could no longer sustain its infrastructure in its far reaches, and soon after it would no longer be able to maintain the Western Empire at all. The end of an era.

But the Romans left many footprints behind to discover and I think it’s time for me to go back and continue my journey along the ancient Roman roads of Britannia.

What better time of year than autumn to ramble along Hadrian’s Wall, looking out over the wild windswept landscape? What better way to spend a week than visiting the forts and milecastles attached to the wall that snakes its way along the ridges and slopes between Carlisle and Newcastle and beyond?

But before I get that far north there are a few things to see along the east side of England – the Jewry Wall in Leicester, Lincoln’s Roman sites, Aldborough’s Roman town of Isurium Brigantium,and a Roman bridge in Piercebridge.

A clamber through the North Yorkshire Moors is also on the itinerary, where I’ll have a look at a section of ancient road that is likely Roman at Wheeldale. Perhaps if I’m fortunate, the purple heather on the moors will be in bloom.

Journeying back south, my Roman rambling will take me along the Solway Firth to the Senhouse Roman Museum in Maryport. And, if I haven’t had my fill of Roman forts yet, the forts at Hardknott and Ambleside will lead me astray into the Lake District. Rumour has it that it’s one of the most beautiful areas of England.

Thank you to the Romans for leaving their footprints behind in some pretty incredible places!

3 thoughts on “Gone For 1600 Years But Their Footprints Remain”

  1. Hello Margo; stumbled here via tagsurfer on wordpress. What a grand travel plan you have, and a nice way of presenting the information. I don’t know how much time you will have in Northern England to retrace Roman steps, but can I suggest you add RAVENGLASS on the west coast of Lake District, an old Roman Harbour with a special feel to it. From here you can take a short narrow gauge steam train journey up to ESKDALE. In the autumn the scenery should be beautiful. I have no financial interest in any of this, but the train up and walk back was one of my most favourite days out. (sigh, bad heart now…)
    Also, the VINDALONDA site is fascinating and they have a great display of archeological finds including the famous written notes.
    Whatever, have a grand time!

    1. Thanks GG,
      I’ll certainly make the trip to Ravenglass, it sounds great. I’m really looking forward to the Lake District.
      I briefly visited the wall 5 years ago and did visit Vindolanda then and will go there again.

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